Wednesday, November 15, 2006


“As a young man I was a secessionist, but I have come to realize that the key of having a great relationship with St. Kitts is through negotiation which is what my government is presently establishing with the St. Kitts Cabinet.”

Premier of Nevis, Joseph Parry informed Nevisians in Bedford, England, on his view on secession for Nevis.

It is amazing that Nevisians have to wait until the Premier goes overseas to hear his views on secession. The topic of secession was virtually unheard of during NRP's last election campaign. This was not a topic that was discussed on the platform nor was there a mere mention of it in the NRP manifesto. If one was to do a search of the NRP manifesto for the word SECESSION, it will not be found.

Mr. Parry has being warned by the founding Father of NRP, Hon. Dr. Simeon Daniel, that this ''great relationship" he is seeking with the Labour government is a farce. Mr. Daniel said of the St. Kitts government that "a leopard cannot change its spots"(audio). I would implore Mr. Parry not to make the same mistakes as Eugene Walwyn and the UMN made in the 1960's. If one review the history of that situation one will find a similar situation. UMN said that secession was its main goal then Mr. Walwyn cross the aisle and joined the Labour government because "his purpose was to keep St. Kitts and Nevis together".

Just like UMN, NRP was founded for the primary purpose of seeking secession for Nevis, to that end the party's manifesto in 1975 stated,
"The N.R.P. will strive at all costs and gain secession for Nevis from St. Kitts-..."
The 1980 NRP manifesto in its entity stated,
" The Nevis Reformation Party will continue to seek Secession for Nevis at all costs."

Whenever Nevisians have been asked for a mandate for secession by NRP, the answer has always being a resounding YES. The elections of 1975 and 1980 during which as stated the NRP asked for a mandate on secession, the party won over 80% of the votes. In 1977 when Nevisians over 18 years old were asked in a referendum "Do you support Secession for Nevis from St. Kitts" 4,193 votes of the 4220 total votes cast voted YES.

The founding fathers of NRP have always being stalwarts of this mandate given to them over the years: Ivor Stevens in an address to parliament in 1980 after NRP joined the coalition government told Nevisians that the coalition was "a marriage of convenience" but he reassured us that, " The people of Nevis stand firm on their demand for self determination for Nevis. Our position is Secession ever, recession Never." NRP leader and Nevisian statesman Hon. Simeon Daniel also told us in 1980, " I have not abandoned the demand for Secession for Nevis I have a mandate to obtain Secession for the people of Nevis and when the time comes I would press for it."

It is clear that whenever NRP has asked for a mandate from the people of Nevis on the issue of self determination, it was always given an overwhelming YES for Secession. If this is a mandate that NRP can no longer bear then it is imperative that Mr. Parry address Nevisians and inform then of this. For fifteen years NRP has being coy on the Secession issue, it is time to lay your cards on the table Mr. Parry.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Nevisian Island Administrations have over the years provided an environment where business can prosper and grow. This environment is in jeopardy with the actions of the federal government as they input themselves into into the private sector with government take over of private enterprises in recent weeks. This will no doubt have a negative impact on persons who wants to invest in Nevis. The question will be asked, Is my investment secure or will it be taken confiscated by the government in the future?
Business owners and investors in Nevis have made great strides since 1980, let us not lose the confidence of the private sector because of an overzealous predatory federal government.
This is a marriage gone bad, let us get our divorce from St. Kitts and end this abusive relationship. We have to get rid of this ball and chain (St. Kitts) and fight for an INDEPENDENT Nevis.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Warner Parks was refurbished with millions of dollars, now a new Conaree Stadium. Both of these projects were done under the auspices of the Federal Government on the island of St. Kitts. Is the federal government solely a St. Kitts government or is it a government of the citizens of St. Kitts Nevis? If the latter is true then the island of Nevis is being short changed since the government has expended none of the millions on Grove Park or any of the lesser lots on which sports are played in Nevis.
Nevisians, let us not be fooled by the smokescreen of electoral and constitutional reform INDEPENDENCE from St. Kitts is our destiny.

Monday, September 04, 2006

It is rather interesting that The Communication Unit, Office of the Prime Minister is previewing a speech by the Premier of Nevis, the Hon. Joseph Parry. The Labour Party is the sworn enemy of the NRP, the party who has over the years contributed to Labour being out of power.
So why, is a Labour government previewing a speech that will expound on the NRP’s philosophy relative to Electoral and Constitutional Reform for St. Kitts and Nevis. Lets not forget that it is to the St. Kitts politicians benefit to have the cash cow known as Nevis as part of the Federation. The difference in the political philosophies of CCM and NRP will be exploited by the concerted efforts of Kittitian politicians for their gains. Mr. Parry choose your words carefully and put Nevis first.