Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Nevisian Island Administrations have over the years provided an environment where business can prosper and grow. This environment is in jeopardy with the actions of the federal government as they input themselves into into the private sector with government take over of private enterprises in recent weeks. This will no doubt have a negative impact on persons who wants to invest in Nevis. The question will be asked, Is my investment secure or will it be taken confiscated by the government in the future?
Business owners and investors in Nevis have made great strides since 1980, let us not lose the confidence of the private sector because of an overzealous predatory federal government.
This is a marriage gone bad, let us get our divorce from St. Kitts and end this abusive relationship. We have to get rid of this ball and chain (St. Kitts) and fight for an INDEPENDENT Nevis.

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